Timothy D. Chandler
Tim Chandler serves as senior counsel and vice president of Church & Ministry Alliance engagement and strategic projects. In this role, Chandler brings two decades of legal and training experience to developing and implementing long-range strategies to grow, equip, and engage a broad alliance committed to safeguarding our most cherished freedoms and the rule of law.
With a passion for strategic collaboration, Chandler helps lead the organization’s Church & Ministry Alliance, a unique program with over 4,000 members that equips and engages like-minded, Christ-centered churches and other ministries to freely live out their missions and proclaim truth in our culture.
Chandler is also the architect of the ADF Summit on Religious Liberty, the organization’s flagship program that convenes leaders in law, government, public policy, media, business, and the church to collaborate on legal and cultural strategies to allow freedom to flourish in the United States and around the world.
Chandler spent the first several years of his career at ADF working with the U.S. legal division, including overseeing an ADF regional office in California, where he defended students, churches, and ministries’ First Amendment freedoms at the trial and appellate levels, including at the U.S. Supreme Court. He also has experience overseeing ADF’s Blackstone Legal Fellowship, Allied Attorney program, and an array of other legal training programs designed to recruit, train, and deploy thousands of allies to collectively advance the organization’s mission.
In 2004, Chandler earned his law degree at the UCLA School of Law, where he was elected president of the Moot Court Honors Executive Board. Chandler earned his B.S. in Business Administration summa cum laude in 2001 from Biola University, where he also graduated from the Torrey Honors Institute. He currently resides in northern Virginia with his wife, Jennifer, and their five children.