WI court: School district policy potentially violates parents’ rights

The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Roger Brooks regarding the Waukesha County Circuit Court’s decision Wednesday to deny Kettle Moraine School District’s motion to dismiss a lawsuit brought against the school district by two sets of Wisconsin parents:
“Parents’ rights to direct the upbringing, education, and mental health treatment of their children is one of the most basic constitutional rights every parent holds dear, yet we are seeing more and more school districts across the country not only ignoring parents’ concerns but actively working against them. For that reason, we are pleased that the court rejected the school district’s request to throw out this case and instead recognized that the argument of our clients ‘demonstrates a potential violation of their rights as parents to direct the upbringing of their child.’ Kettle Moraine should take this opportunity to change its policy, which violates the constitutionally protected rights of parents and isn’t in the best interest of children. As the court wrote, ‘Wisconsin courts recognize that parents have a right to make “decisions regarding the education and upbringing of their children,” “free from government intervention.”’”
Attorneys with the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty and ADF represent the parents in the lawsuit, B.F. v. Kettle Moraine School District, which challenges the district’s policy that allows minor students to change their name and gender pronouns at school without parental consent.
Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the sanctity of life.
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