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Concluded U.S. Courts of Appeals

McQuigg v. Bostic

“Just Who do We Think We Are?”


Over a million Virginia voters approved a state constitutional amendment that defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. When a group of same-sex couples challenged Virginia’s marriage laws, Alliance Defending Freedom intervened in the case on behalf of Michèle McQuigg, the Prince William County Clerk in charge of issuing marriage licenses in that county. Alliance Defending Freedom became one of the primary defenders of the state’s marriage laws when Virginia’s Attorney General switched sides and began arguing that the challenged marriage laws violate the Constitution.

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys explained to the district court that marriage helps children by promoting stable family relationships and providing the unique parenting benefits that a mother and a father bring to children’s lives. But the district judge ruled in February 2014 that the man-woman definition of marriage violates the U.S. Constitution, despite the fact that diverse cultures and faiths have used that very same definition for centuries.

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys, on behalf of Michèle McQuigg, have appealed that decision to the Fourth Circuit. Alliance Defending Freedom and its allies will continue to defend Virginia’s marriage laws, as well as the man-woman marriage laws in other states throughout the nation.

What's at stake

Protecting marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Promoting the importance of both mothers and fathers.

Protecting the voters’ rights to direct social policy concerning marriage and family.

Our role in this case

Alliance Defending Freedom and its allies, on behalf of Michèle McQuigg, the Prince William County Clerk, are defending Virginia’s marriage laws free of charge.

Additional Resources

Audio: 4th Circuit oral arguments in Bostic v. Schaefer (2014-05-13)