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Active U.S. Courts of Appeals

Josephson v. Ganzel

University of Louisville professor Allan Josephson


University of Louisville officials demoted, harassed, and effectively fired a distinguished professor who successfully led the university’s child psychiatry program after he expressed his views on treatment approaches for youth experiencing gender dysphoria. Dr. Allan M. Josephson’s remarks in a panel discussion angered a few of his colleagues, who then learned he had served as an expert witness addressing similar issues. They then demanded that the university take disciplinary action, and university officials responded by demoting him weeks later to the role of a junior faculty member. The university later announced that it would not renew his contract, a highly unusual decision that meant he was effectively fired.


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Case Profiles

Travis Barham
Travis Barham
Senior Counsel
Travis C. Barham serves as senior counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom, where he plays a key role with the ADF Center for Academic Freedom.
Tyson Langhofer
Tyson Langhofer
Senior Counsel, Director of Center for Academic Freedom
Tyson Langhofer serves as senior counsel and director of the Center for Academic Freedom with Alliance Defending Freedom.